We will post notification here when HUD issues updated income limits.
Recertification Waivers Extended to 9/30/21
You must still complete the move in certifications on time, though.
We will post notification here when HUD issues updated income limits.
You must still complete the move in certifications on time, though.
Recertification procedures under the FAST ACT DO NOT apply to LIHTC Recertification in MA.
A number of people have asked about completing end of year reporting for 2020 in light of the IRS ruling exempting owners from completing recertifications between 4/1/20 and 12/31/20.
As the pandemic continues, DHCD wants to provide you with further guidance on income certifications and recertifications.
light of the new income and rent limits announced by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on April 1, 2020.
Spectrum has suspended on-site monitoring at the direction of DHCD
They are effective 4/01/20 and must be in use no later than 5/15/20.
Property Managers are concerned about failing to get recertifications done during this crisis.
HUD has released the 2019 income limits. They are effective 4/24/19 and must be in use no later than 6/8/19. To find your 2019 income limits visit: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/mtsp.html
On 2/26/19 the Treasury Department will officially publish significant changes to LIHTC monitoring requirements. A copy of the publication can be found HERE Advance notice of file reviews and inspections will be limited to no more than 15 days. Same day notification...